Sherry just rocks! She's an energetic, passionate, and fun presenter - but don't let that energy fool you - she also really knows her stuff, and she'll tap into her deep well of creativity to help you reach your goals. Sherry is truly an expert in personalized learning, and her passion is evident in her presentations and consulting work. She's not afraid to tell you what she thinks, but she always has the best interest of students as her focus. Sherry knows educational technology. She was the first person I knew to get a Google glass (remember those?) and she's always aware of the latest trends and how they might be used to enhance learning. - Kris Baldwin
One of the things that has always impressed me the most is Sherry's ability to meet the needs of a variety of workshop participants. Even though I was more technology savvy than other participants she found things that I could learn about and use in my classroom. Thanks to her I have had the opportunity to improve my skill set and continue to grow as a teacher and technology user. - Rosanne Riley