
Customized Learning

Technology Integration with Standards-Based Instruction

Web 2.0 Technologies

iPad Integration

Common Core / Open Educational Resources

Webb Leveling and Higher Order Thinking

New Teacher Mentoring

Social Networking

Cyberbullying and Internet Safety


Making Personalized/Customized Learning a Reality

Is personalized or customized learning (P/CL) just the new buzzword or an agent for positive change? For P/CL to be effective, districts must have a customizable road map for it to be embraced by teachers, administrators, and community. District planning teams wrestle with structural changes and “weight-bearing walls”, while teachers implement changes in pedagogy and student learning via professional learning that actually is a P/CL experience: technology-oriented, self-paced, authentic choice, etc. This session will examine the possibilities of bringing lasting change to student-centered learning by coordinating the dual roles of district planning and professional development.

Free Digital Resources

How does having technology in the classroom change the pedagogy? There are so many sites with digital content available. We will explore a number of sites/apps that bring curriculum to your device for free!

Cool Tools and Apps

Whether you are using iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, or other mobile devices, there are so many resources to choose from. And we all know there isn't enough time in the day to research all of them! This session will include iPad and web resources that Sherry is currently excited about!

Flipped Classroom

Discover the "flipped classroom" and how it can move you to a customized learning approach. Learn how to increase collaboration while engaging students, increase productivity and one-to-one time with students in the classroom, and decrease student confusion and frustration. Evaluate the technology tools used to flip a classroom, but more importantly, how are you going to use that classroom time you have now freed up?

Project-Based Learning

We know we need to tie learning to real-world situations. Project-based learning is also often referred to as problem-based or passion-based and it makes learning easy. We will discuss class projects vs. individual projects. We will explore that standards that are covered and discuss assessment of these projects.

Infographics in Your Classroom

We've all seen those cute infographics in the newspaper and online. How can you use these in the classroom? They are a quick and easy way for you to deliver facts to students. They are also a fun way for students to do research and put it together for assessment. Come see how to make and use these in your classroom.

Mindsets in the Classroom

Carol Dweck, Mary Cay Ricci, and others have done much work in this area. We know that to make students more responsible for their own learning, we have to shift their thinking. We will discuss ways to do that and activities that can be utilized in your classroom right away.

Chrome Extensions, Apps, and Add-Ons

Google Chrome is a powerful tool and many of us are not reaching even a small percent of it's power. I will show you some of my favorite extensions, apps, and Google Apps add-ons. This will be a hands-on session and will work best with a laptop or Chromebook.

Self-Paced Learning

We know that not all students learn at the same pace or in the same way. With technology, we have the opportunity to allow students to move at a pace that makes sense for them (while still encouraging them to keep to a teacher pace) and we have many resources to give them choice in their learning. We will discuss flipping the classroom, online curriculum resources, and project-based learning. 

Google in the Classroom

G Suite for Education offers Mail, Drive, Classroom, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites, and Calendar. These tools are free and, best of all, easy to use! Let's talk about how they make your classroom collaborative and productive.